University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca

  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca


About Romania, Cluj-Napoca

Country name: Romania (România)
Climate: Continental (warm summer – up to 40° Celsius; cold winter; in general, drier than Germany)
Location: Southwestern Europe, borders to the north-west with Hungary, to the north with Ukraine, to the east with the Republic of Moldavia and the Black Sea, to the south with Bulgaria and to the west with Serbia.
Area of the country: 237,500 sq km
Capital: Bucharest, approx. 1.9 million inhabitants (2008)
Population: 19 million inhabitants (temporary results of the census 2011)
Official language: Romanian
Religions/Churches: Romanian-Orthodox 87 percent, Roman-Catholic approx. 5 percent, Greek-Catholic approx. 1 percent, and others

Romania is located in the transition zone between Central, South and East Europe, directly at the Black Sea. In the west, it covers an area over the Carpathian arc to the Pannonian Plain. Bordering states of Romania are Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine and Moldavia. All in all, almost 20 million inhabitants are living in Romania. Capital of the country is Bucharest with almost 1.9 million inhabitants – thereby it is the sixth biggest city of the EU before Vienna and Budapest. Since 2007, Romania is a member of the European Union.

The climate in Romania belongs to the temperate zone. Due to the Carpathian Mountains, the climate is very different in Romania. Transylvania has a maritime climate, Moldovia a continental climate, Wallachia and Dobruja a climate with Mediterranean influences. The average yearly temperature varies according to region. In the north it is 8°C and in the south 11°C. Normally, January is the coldest month, July the warmest.

27% of Romania is covered by stretches of timber. In higher regions over 1,800 meters, the forest ends and hill pastures start to emerge. The fauna of the country includes 3,600 species. In the Black Sea you can even find dolphins.

The Romanian culture has a rich, original variety, which is unique in Europe. It is especially characterized by a synthesis of tradition and modernism. Many different influences have thereby been adapted, connected and advanced to the current culture. An especially important role in regard to the development of the culture played the country’s location in between the Occident and Orient. In 2007, Sibiu was the European Capital of Culture.