General Information – Humanitas University

Degree Program: Medicine
Location: Milan, Italy
Language: English
Application Procedure: Admission exam
Recognition: EU-wide recognition – also in Germany

Degree Program:

Medicine: Studying medicine at the Humanitas University in Milan offers an especially close connection to practice and to the university teaching hospital. The studies are characterized by a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to teaching with the support of almost one tutor for two students. Tutors are medical doctors trained to provide students with constant feedback and suggestions for improving their studying performance. Beyond that, they organize group activites. The courses are completely taking place in English. Nevertheless, the university recommends learning the basics of the Italian language, since you have to communicate with patients, mostly in Italian, in the clinical phase from the third year on. At the university great value is placed on the occupational training. Therefore you will get different important job-related competences imparted. Studies will last 6 years all in all, thus 12 semesters. During this time you will reach 360 ECTS altogether (60 ECTS per year). At the end of studies you will get the academic title: Laurea Magistrale in Medicina generale e Chirurgia = Doctor of Medicine and Surgery.

Surroundings and Location:

The Humanitas University is located in Rozzano – in the metropolitan city Milan – in Italy. The city center is about 12 kilometers away from the university, but you can easily reach it with the help of the public transport. Nevertheless, you will also find everything you will need for your studies and everyday life in Rozzano. The university is directly located in the Humanitas clinic in quiet surroundings, so that you can fully concentrate on your studies, where the metropolitan life will not disturb you while studying.

Application Procedure:

In order to be admitted to the Humanitas University, you have to take and pass an admission exam – just like all other applicants of the university. All parts of the admission exam are in English. You will get more information about the application procedure and the admission exam here.