General Information – European University Cyprus

Degrees: Medicine, dentistry & psychology
Place: Nicosia, Cyprus
Language: English
Admission procedure: MSA Application Procedure + Aptitude Interview
Recognition: EU-wide recognition – also in Germany


Medicine: The medical training at the European University Cyprus in Nicosia lasts 6 years and covers practical, clinical experiences from the beginning of the studies. The study course is based on problem-based-learning, task-based learning, practical classes, independent learning, clinical skills sessions, virtual learning and clinical training with patient contact. By this, the medical students should acquire a broad general medical knowledge, during their studies, and to be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

Dentistry: The degree program of dentistry in Nicosia at the European University Cyprus has an overall length of 5 years. At the end of studies, you will get the academic title „Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)“ and can therefore officially practice as a dentist. During the English-language studies, besides learning the fundamental, scientific basics, the practical skills are the focus of the training. The practical classes already begin within the first academic year!

Psychology: The four-year Bachelor study program is focused on understanding human thinking, development and interaction. The students will learn how the human brain works and how the processes in the brain change with age. Beyond that, they will be provided with knowledge about how humans perceive and interpret certain behavior.


The EUC is located in the middle of the Greek part of the capital Nicosia, very close to the city center. Nicosia has about 276.000 inhabitants. An international airport can be found in the nearby Larnaka (ca. 40 minutes from Nicosia), which is approached from many different European locations. From Nicosia, the streets go off star-shaped to the coastal cities. Within the city, you can get from one place to another afoot easily.

Admission procedure:

In order to study at the EUC, you have to pass the MSA application procedure with an aptitude interview beyond that . For further information about the admission procedure click here.