Study Medicine in China

Study Medicine in China

Why Study Medicine in China?

If you study medicine in China, it is a great possibility to gather international experience in a country, where tradition and modernism meet in a way, like nowhere else. China has a very interesting culture and is with approximately 1.37 billion people the most populous state of the world and it is growing constantly each year. In regard to the surface, China is the fourth biggest state of the world. The official language in China is Mandarin – depending on region, other languages are also officially recognized. In Wenzhou, where our partner university – the Wenzhou Medical University – is located, the “Wenzhou dialect”, belonging to the “Wu” language, is spoken.

In China, education has a top priority. It is therefore not surprising, that China has more than 2,200 universities all in all. When you decide to study medicine in China, it is more than just a great chance to get admission to a medical university without any restrictions like a high GPA. The Wenzhou Medical University, at which you can take a Dual Medical Degree – in cooperation with the Medical University Lublin in Poland – is an excellent university and one of China’s universities, where you can take an English degree program. Currently, more than 1,000 students coming from 55 different countries are studying at the Wenzhou MU. The university is ranked on position number 18 of the Chinese university ranking and offers the English degree course since 2006.

In China, tradition and modernism meet – this also applies, when you study medicine in China. Besides the standardized curricula, which are recognized in Europe, the USA and many other countries in the world, you can learn a lot about traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Beyond that, you will not only get to know the Chinese healthcare system but also the Polish healthcare system. Studying medicine – especially in this degree program – offer the best international career outlooks that you can imagine. An outstanding feature of this degree program is the privilege to get a dual degree at the end of studies.


Our University in China