General Information – Riga Stradins University

Degrees: Medicine, Odontology
Place: Riga, Latvia
Language: English
Application procedure: Admission test not necessary, MSA application procedure
Recognition: EU-wide recognition – also in Germany


Medicine: The Medical Faculty of the Riga Stradins University – RSU Riga – offers the students, as the oldest and most traditional faculty of the university, one of the best medical training in Latvia. Due to the high quality and the great reputation of the studies in Riga, the Riga Stradins University is very popular among European students. The university offers a completely professional educational program to its students, whereby all graduates can do their residency or their master in the field of medicine in Latvia or another country of the EU. The study groups are limited to 10 people; whereas the lectures are conducted by lecturers, who have a recognized reputation in their specialty. All in all, the studies last 6 years – like it has been standardized in Europe. Studies at the Riga Stradins University can be started at the beginning of February or September each year. After the successful completion of the degree, you will get the academic title “Medical Doctor“(MD).

Dentistry: The dentistry degree at the Riga Stradins University has been assembled very detailed, in order to prepare the students optimally – theoretically and also practically. During the first year, the focus is on general medicine courses. This intensifies starting from the second year, where the focus will be on dental medicine itself. Nevertheless, the practical part of the dentistry degree at the Riga Stradins University will already start in the first year. The practical classes will only take place in ultramodern facilities with interactive technologies. The students are always provided with the newest dental filling material with which they can work with. Beyond that, the lecturers are anxious to use many innovative teaching methods in classes. Just like in the medicine degree program at the Riga Stradins University, the maximal number of class participants is 10 students. The English program takes 5 years and at the end, you will get the academic title “Doctor of Dental Surgery” (DDS).


The Faculty is located in the city of Riga, capital of Latvia. With 700,000 inhabitants, it is the biggest Baltic city and one of the biggest in Northern Europe. Riga has its own international airport with direct flight connections to Germany.  In the city there is an impressive collection of Art Nouveau architecture.

Admission procedure:

As there is no admission test at the Riga Stradins University (RSU), every application is assessed by a committee. That is why it is extremely important to follow the application instructions of MSA as exactly as possible. With our experience we will help you to have better chances of getting a place.  Please remember that an early application has better chances than a later one.
Our quote is almost 100% successful!
The application period has opened already.  Do not waste any time and apply now!


Our admission rate:

Many of our applicants have been admitted at the Riga Stradins University in the last three years. With our help, you should not have any difficulty in being admitted to the RSU. Given our good quote, you will of course meet many other German-speaking students.