Study Pharmacy in Lithuania, Spain, Romania or Hungary!

General Information on Pharmacy Studies

A degree in Pharmacy stands out because of its scientific-related subjects, so if you are interested in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine on a wide basis, Pharmacy studies will be perfect for you. Focused on patient care, these studies allow you not only to hold a theoretical knowledge, but also to put it into practice through the simulation of real situations, for instance, how to administer drugs correctly, to work responsibly and to secure the quality of life of the patients, together with drug marketing strategies. Of course, as a pharmacist you will have the right to open a pharmacy in the EU.

Where Can I Study Pharmacy?

MSA offers the possibility to study Pharmacy at different European Universities, such as the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas (Lithuanian), Universidad Cardenal Herrera in Valencia (Spain), University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the University of Debrecen in Debrecen (Hungary) and in Riga at the Stradins University in Latvia.

Wo kann ich Pharmazie studieren?

What Type of Course Structure Will the Study Course Have?

Pharmacy is one of the oldest sciences which has been taught for some centuries as an independent area of studies. The aim of the five-year-training is to provide the students with a variety of knowledge about pharmaceutical abilities. This way, it would comprise trials, storing, purchase, clinical use and administration of drugs and critical thought.  Processing and manufacturing are as important factors as legal issues. Moreover, the students will acquire knowledge on side effects and drug interaction, so they are able to undertake a patient-oriented work.

Which Career Opportunities Do I Have?

At the end of the degree, the students will be able to value ethic, social, economic and security issues within the pharmaceutical field. Thus, they can ensure the reliability of a certain drug. If you study Pharmacy, you do not need to work in a Pharmacy, but you can choose among many other career options such as pharmaceutical industry, research of even working at universities. You can work in the private or public sector, in the communication or management section of a company… there are countless options: you will never be unemployed.

Study Pharmacy in Lithuania, Spain, Romania or Hungary!