About Spain

Name of Country: Kingdom of Spain/Reino de España
Climate: Madrid: Highland climate (Castilian Meseta, 680 meters above sea level): dry, cold winters, hot summers (up to 40°C); coast: Mediterranean resp. Atlantic climate
Capital: Madrid
Population: 46,5 million inhabitants (July 1st, 2014)
Official Language: Spanish (Castilian) is the constitutional state language. In the autonomous communities Basque region, Galicia, Catalonia and Valencia, the regional languages also have an official status.
Religion: Roman Catholic (over 90 percent)

Many people know Spain as beautiful and sunny vacation country. Each year, about 60 million tourists visit Spain, whereas Catalonia is the most frequently visited tourist destination. In Spain, utmost importance is attached to the enjoyment of life, with the great underlying conditions, this is no surprise! The country has many facets and this is just what makes it really interesting. There are big cities, like Madrid and Barcelona, picturesque beaches at the sea and mountains to go trekking. Especially culturally and culinarily, Spain has much to offer. Here you will find all facets in one spot, many historical, as well as ultramodern buildings and constructions.

The Spanish residents are very affectionate and known for their enjoyment of life and their hospitality. Here you will feel well instantly, because it is not going to get boring! Modern shopping centers, different sports activities and many new experiences and impression will keep you in motion, alongside your studies. Especially the nightlife in the big cities, like Barcelona, is really impressive. There are night clubs, bars, restaurants and much more and it is always varied and can be adjusted to the personal interests.