Patrick W.- Student at NYLC – New York Language Center


Dear MSA team,

So the last day has arrived and now I also have time to give you feedback!

It is my intention to study Medicine, but to do so I had to improve my language skills first. I called you (MSA) in order to receive information about the possibilities of studying Medicine. Then the language course at the NYLC was offered to me.

Already from the first call at Medical Studies Advisory I felt I was in very good hands. All my questions were always answered. The staff at MSA were very engaged and helpful and could answer my questions every time. The answers to my e-mails were also not a problem and during the week there was always a contact person I could reach –very good, thumbs up!


About the experience at the language school in New York, I can say that it was really splendid! New York is in itself an impressive city! My professors at NYLC were always willing to lend an ear to our course and were very affable. I really felt at ease there. Our requests were attended to at all times.

Conclusion: I have never regretted taking this step and I can only recommend it to others. I had a wonderful time in New York, where I learned, experienced and saw a lot. My language skills have improved considerably and I am really looking forward to studying Dentistry in English.

Kind regards
Patrick W.

Student at NYLC – New York Language Center
Graduating Class 2013

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