The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is Awesome


Good evening,

First of all I want to thank you for making it possible that I can be here.

The university itself is really brilliant – but to be allowed to study with so many students from all possible countries in a foreign country is more than a possibility – really awesome! After receiving rejection after rejection in my homeland, I already thought about throwing the towel and to bury my dream of studying medicine. But thanks to you and the LSMU, I got the chance to fulfil my long-awaited dream of studying medicine.

The people here are very open and I have already found some friends, which are like sibling for me here. So to speak – a family – by my side, no matter which problem might arise. I think I will return from this university, not only with my degree as a doctor (hopefullyJ), but definitely with friends for life.

At the moment I cannot complain about anything at the university. Of course you have to learn, just like at any other university, but the system with classes in blocks help me a lot. I can concentrate on the respective learning content a lot better. At the moment I am in the physics classes, before it will go on, after the exam next Thursday, with the difficult classes of anatomy.

It is a privilege to study here – especially because this university has been my favorite out of all universities for which I took the admission exam.

I will attach you a photo with my „family“ here from Kaunas from one of our birthday celebrations.

Thank you very much for your email and asking about my situation here in Kaunas. It was a pleasure for me to come into contact with you again.

Best wishes,


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