Viktoria S. – Student at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University

To all the MSA Team,

Once more, I would like to thank you for your counselling, help and all what you have done to get my study place in Kosice. It is great to finally be able to study Medicine and you have given me this opportunity. Thank you for your continuous and personal help; I have told you many thinks about me but I could get to know you a bit.

I found especially helpful the fact of having a MSA worker directly in Kosice who helps us find accommodation, etc. It is also great that MSA works together with the University; when the University does not give us enough information about something, MSA tries to provide us with more details (for example, we could bring the gown and the white shoes from home). Moreover, you were very helpful with all the procedures regarding the residence permit, since here this seems to be really complex.

So I would like to thank you once more, now I am enjoying my life as a Medicine student, people here are very nice and the centre of Kosice is simply wonderful.

I wish you all the best and good luck!

Kind regards

Viktoria S.

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