Transfer to a higher semester in Hamburg with MSA!

Medizinstudenten im LaborUniversity transfer to Germany

You have already started your medical studies at one of our partner universities in another EU country or you are studying medicine at a university in the European Union but would like to continue your studies in Germany? At University Targus Mures Medical Campus Hamburg (UMCH) in Germany this is possible.

Human Medicine in Hamburg at UMCH – transfer to the 2nd year of study now!

Prospective students can study human medicine on the newly equipped campus in Hamburg. From the winter semester 2020/21 you can enter the 2nd academic year at UMCH and complete your medical studies in Germany. It is irrelevant whether you are currently in your first year or have been studying medicine for several years and have already passed many examinations. It is possible to transfer to UMCH in any academic year and of course your study achievements from the higher semesters can be recognized.

Study Bilingually in Germany

Lectures and seminars are held in English on the campus in Hamburg. The bedside teaching will take place exclusively in German teaching hospitals. The hospital internships are completed in German. This means that you can spend the rest of your studies in Germany while continuing your studies in English and German.

Smooth change of study location to Hamburg

We have already made it possible for many foreign students to transfer to UMCH. The MSA study advisory team knows the exact conditions for transfer to UMCH and is aware of exactly which documents you need to submit for a successful transfer. Our study advisors will check which of your already completed study achievements – or ECTS points – can be recognized and, if necessary, which ones have still to be made up.

Would you like to find out more about transferring to UMCH in Hamburg? Then get in touch with our study counselling team by phone at +49 (0) 5151 60969-1353, by e-mail at or via our contact form.


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