Student Life in Košice

The student life in Košice, Slovakia, is very lively and can be organized really diversified! Hit the road with your fellow students and enjoy the numerous leisure opportunities together.

As you can see, there is much to discover for you. You should not miss the interesting student life in Košice on any account. That way, you will also get to know your fellow students and your new friends better.

Košice is distinguished by its interesting cultural, social and sports events. Cultural life is present thanks to four theatres continuously in use, cinemas, the State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Jàn Bocatius public library, and the library for regional research, apart from many museums and galleries. Some important cultural events during the year are the Košice Music Spring, the International Organ Festival, the Festival of Sacral Arts, promenade concerts as part of the Cultural Summer, and regular events in the Lower-Gate-Museum.

Some of the most important cultural and social events are consciously linked with the Košice Town Days, which have developed their own tradition and whose echo can be heard beyond the borders of Slovakia. On the 7th of May 1369, Košice was the first city in Europe to be awarded its own coat of arms by royal decree. Nowadays, the citizens of Košice consider it an honour to contribute to the celebration of this anniversary. Another series of events happens in Christmas in Košice. The atmosphere created thanks to the decorative lights, the traditional Christmas market, and the cultural programme is equally popular among inhabitants and visitors. The year of culture, full of events, closed in Košice with the celebrations of the New Year and the amazing fireworks in the main street.

The leading sports event is the Peace Marathon of Košice, which takes place every year on the first Sunday of October. Another event of international character are Waterskiing Championships, always held in August in the Košice lake.