Meeting with our students of Charles University

20141022_195311Last wednesday our MSA team has met out first-semester students from the First and the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague. During a common dinner the students told us about their first impressions and shared with us a new and exciting chapter of their life. These impressions very really pleasant; the students are enjoying their new life in one of the most fascinating cities in Europe and they have been already impressed by the high quality of the degrees, as Charles University has a good reputation worldwide.

We really had a good evening in a very convivial company. We wish our students a great time in Prague and hope that they share with us their future experiences. If you are interested in studying in English in Europe, then contact our MSA Team.

Just send us an email to or call us at +4901805 – 530 531 and we will give you advice at no cost.

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